Gut Health & Fertility


Many women who would like to have children experience difficulty with conception. There are a variety of reasons for this, from disorders like PCOS, to age, to simply having irregular periods. What we do know about infertility is that hormones play a starring role. After all, when a woman is having trouble getting pregnant, she may go through “fertility treatment,” which involves using medically administered hormones as a means to achieve pregnancy.

Let’s consider for a moment the underlying cause of some women’s infertility experience: hormonal imbalance. Having hormonal imbalance can lead to a variety of problems for women including PMS, irregular periods, excessive cramping, bloating, weight gain, fatigue, and, yes, infertility and more. What if I told you that one way to regulate hormones is to regulate blood sugar? Did you know that 84.1 million Americans have pre diabetes? Are you suffering from infertility? You be one of them.

Adopting a “diabetic diet” can be helpful in increasing the odds of conception if your hormones need regulating. Oftentimes, supplemental support for blood sugar regulation can go even further by helping you adhere to a better diet program and adding much needed vitamins and minerals into your system — so your body can self correct. One supplement (which was formulated for those with Type 2 Diabetes) I recommend to women trying to conceive is a simple daily drink. As part of a comprehensive program, this blood sugar regulating drink just might save you from undergoing painful, lengthy and unnatural fertility treatments. If you’ve been struggling to conceive, your first stop should be to work with blood sugar regulation.

Another culprit in infertility is your reproductive microbiome. Researchers are finding that a healthy endometrium is key for implantation. Guess what makes a healthy endometrium? The right balance of good bacteria! Again, the human micro biome saves the day. How do we get the bad bacteria out of our system and the good bacteria in?  My two favorite answers are magnesium (to help your body eliminate bacteria efficiently) and a dual action probiotic which kills off the bad bacteria in your system and replaces it with the good stuff.

By addressing blood sugar and optimizing reproductive bacteria, you may naturally solve infertility issues (before bringing out the big guns of artificial hormones). Reach out today if you’d like to start a supplement program that addresses these two answers. I love helping women conceive!



Evidence that the endometrial microbiota has an effect on implantation success or failure. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Dec; 215(6):684-703. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2016.09.075. Epub 2016 Oct 4.

New CDC report: More than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes. July 18, 2017.


“…endometrial microbiota has an effect on implantation success or failure.”

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